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Writing / Editing Portfolio

Reincarnation is a short story published in the New Absurdist as an editor's pick.


Read reincarnation at the New Absurdist

Løvetannslekta is a long form documentary poem about dandelions and covid published in Process: Journal of Multidisciplinary Undergraduate Study.


Read Løvetannslekta at Process JMUS

Quinn was an associate editor with BackMatter (published by the Critical Journalism & Creative Publishing department at the New School for Social Research). Quinn was lead editor for one article (linked below on issuu and the BackMatter website) as well as two articles as a secondary editor, Quinn also copy edited and, transcribed an episode of the BackMatter Podcast.


Read an editorial sample on issuu

Read an editorial sample on the BackMatter 2022 website

Quinn is a team member at the New Absurdist, which is an online publication and art collective. Quinn does editorial work for the New Absurdist, as well as writes a biweekly newsletter. 


Visit the New Absurdist Website

Subscribe to the New Absurdist's newsletter

Thalassophobia is a prose poem published in Prometheus Dreaming in August 2022.


Read Thalassophobia at Prometheus Dreaming

©2022 by Quinn Luthy. Proudly created with

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